DISCLAIMER: This information is presented for educational purposes only. Nothing presented here should be construed as medical advice and/or as a replacement for allopathic and official medicine. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any condition. If you have a medical condition, seek the advice of a competent health care provider.
Many families and individuals deal with some form or another of addiction. Even if different in degree, addiction is present almost like a ubiquitous shadow lurking in the background.
What types of addictions are there?

What prevents people from breaking free from addictions? Usually issues like:

But eventually that must be changed if you want to have a fulfilling and truly inspiring life.
To do so, one has to have the courage to confront squarely the real issues underlying the need for addiction. From the NLP point of view, addictions are an unmet need at the unconscious level which is unfulfilled and which is covered up by the addiction.
NLP and Time Line Therapy® Training can help to discover what that unmet need is—usually a painful and hurtful issue. It can reframe and show other viewpoints not available initially from one’s own perspective by a process called Perceptual Positions.
Some of other beneficial things NLP and Time Line Therapy® have to offer are:

Among the available coaching set of tools, the NLP and Time Line Therapy® Breakthrough Process at the end of the NLP and Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioner Training course is one of the most profound and most powerful method for achieving significant and lasting personal change, healing, and transformation. It is not therapy. nor should it be construed as therapy. For a serious addiction, you should consult a qualified licensed medical practitioner.