DISCLAIMER: This information is presented for educational purposes only. Nothing presented here should be construed as medical advice and/or as a replacement for allopathic and official medicine. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any condition. If you have a medical condition, seek the advice of a competent health care provider.
This is probably an emotional topic for many people as at different times in our lives we’re all hit with the unexpected.
A phobia!
Examples of phobia are many, but they all follow the same pattern. For instance, there is phobia of heights, flying, food swallowing, insects, public speaking, dogs, snakes, enclosed spaces, and so on.
You’re told that phobias are “irrational” or “exaggerated” fears, and that, in general, they cannot be mitigated by conscious will-power.

In this respect they can be “debilitating.” When the trigger suddenly appears, the reaction is an immediate and out of conscious control. But the response has nothing to do with will-power or, conversely, with weakness. It can happen to both extremely strong or soft people. A phobia does not discriminate.

And again, with the help of Time Line Therapy®, all the positive learnings acquired so far are there, so you’re free of the phobia and not of the ability to be safe and protected in all your doing and being. These two modalities, NLP and Time Line Therapy® show real results in alleviating the symptomology displayed by phobia-afflicted people.
What is not commonly known is the fact that with the help of NLP and especially with Time Line Therapy®, a phobia is no more difficult to be removed than a bothersome coffee stain on your shirt. This is a big claim and yet, hundreds of our graduates have experienced this process successfully.