Full speed ahead for our brilliant students in Sydney!!!
The NLP Trainer’s Training & Evaluation is now underway. As our students get into the swing of things, let us wish them the best, most self-gratifying October they’ve ever had.
And celebrations in order for the USA!!! Our smart, talented and brilliant students have finally completed the life-changing FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Certification Training. May they re-enter the world feeling the most confident, fresh, and very best versions of themselves that they can be.
If you are thinking of taking the plunge and joining one of our courses, contact us now (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433) to find out more. It’s not too late to join!!!
Using the NLP Communication Model to Connect with a Large Audience – In the next part of our “NLP for Speakers” series, we discuss the wide variety of attributes that require both presenting and processing information. Have you ever wondered exactly how much information you process daily, and how it affects both your conscious and unconscious mind? Read on if you are looking for the best strategy to become more aware and attentive to your unconscious assumptions, and how it can help you gain the attention of others in public spaces.
4 Tips for Overcoming Jetlag, Part 1 – If you are a frequent traveler, there is one thing that will always come up when relating to other travelers – feeling jetlagged. This is a topic we can all relate to, whether it be on your business trip, start of a vacation, or returning home. By steering away from the negative side effects of remedies used to induce sleeping, Stephan Schafeitel provides a breakdown on how YOU can enjoy that very first day without feeling completely worn out.
Introduction written by Michael Harriden @ Sydney Office.
Your New Articles, Hints & Tips
Using the NLP Communication Model to Connect with a Large Audience
The NLP Model of Communication looks at how individuals process the massive quantities of information that come at them every day. The actual numbers of bits of information that neuroscientists…(Read More)
4 Tips for Overcoming Jetlag, Part 1
By Stephan Schafeitel
I recently flew from Las Vegas, USA over to Sydney, Australia for our 2013 NLP Master Practitioner Training. Even though I have taken hundreds of international trips before, this was…(Read More)
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The Secret of Creating Your Future® CD Collection
What would it be worth and how would your life be transformed, if you could quickly and easily, *Remove the blocks that prevent you from doing, having or changing what you want.
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Schedule of Training 2018 (USA & Australia)
NLP Master Practitioner Training
DECEMBER 1 – 14 (FL)
3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification
NOVEMBER 16 – 18 (Adelaide)
FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training
OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 4 (Sydney)
NOVEMBER 21 – 27 (Perth – We are BACK!!)