Learn how to identify thought processes that have been limiting yourself to create successful strategies for achieving goals!
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Are your ideas, thinking and opinions your own, or are they programmed by your friends, family and the media? The 1st article, Who’s in Charge of Your Thinking and Is NLP Helpful With This? Part 1, by Dr. Tad James, describes how our thinking is pre-programmed by specific ideas. Learn the effective techniques of NLP to learn how to think of the bigger picture. If your thinking is controlled by anything outside of you, you are not free to think. Take action and learn the different ways of thinking, which you need to learn to be a master thinker and in order to free your thinking.
Did you know that there are two different types of thinking? Do you think in a linear, specific, detailed way or do you think big picture? The 2nd article, Worse than Stagnation: When You Do This, You Surely End Up “In the Box”, by Dr. Adriana James, outlines how to think outside of the box and think creatively with the ability to solve problems. Learn the powerful skills at our NLP Master Practitioner Training of how to think differently and master the ability to navigate your thinking and communication between the details Worse than Stagnation: When You Do This, You Surely End Up “In the Box”and the big picture.
Introduction written by Danielle Power @ Sydney Office.
Your New Articles, Hints & Tips
Who’s in Charge of Your Thinking and Is NLP Helpful With This? Part 1
by Dr. Tad James
Values – Motivating People to Do the Right Thing. What’s Important to You?
If there ever was NLP before NLP was invented this is it:
“We cannot think what we cannot think; so what we cannot think we cannot say either. (5.61)”
“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
In a recent article on, Adriana mentioned the idea that our thinking, our ideas, our opinions are pretty much programmed by friends, family and the media. Ask a dozen people what they think about a current news event and you will find a commonality in their answers, which they would swear are their own, but which are in reality pre-programmed by specific ideas. In this article I would like to expand on this idea…(Read More)
Worse than Stagnation: When You Do This, You Surely End Up “In the Box”
by Dr. Adriana James
Too many specific instructions, details to be memorized and repeated brainlessly, compartmentalization at nauseam, A flood of reports suggest that many business people are so specific and linear in their thinking they cannot see the forest because of the twig.
This is one of the reasons why many talented and hardworking business people, cannot get promoted on higher positions although they are perfectly capable people.
So, let’s take a step back and try to figure out…(Read More)
![]() | NLP Values – from NLP Master Practitioner Training What if you could know,
The journey and the path to real individual evolution – a process of self discovery! |
Schedule of Training 2016 (USA & Australia)
USA (Las Vegas)
FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training
SEPTEMBER 24 – 30 | DECEMBER 1 – 7
The Secret of Creating Your Future® Seminar
SEPTEMBER 17 & 18 (Melbourne) | SEPTEMBER 24 & 25 (Sydney)
FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training
OCTOBER 25 – 31 (Sydney)
NLP Master Practitioner Training
AUGUST 20 – SEPTEMBER 2 (Melbourne)
*Please contact us for 2017 trainings’ schedule.