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Membership Area – What’s In It?

NLPCoaching.com Membership Area

How many NLP Coaching businesses suffer because they don’t have enough customers?  How many NLP and Coaching trainers and coaches need support in improving the prosperity of their business? You can be the greatest coach or trainer in the world if you don’t have enough customers in your business, you will end up frustrated and you will have an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals. NLP is a niche where the usual ways of marketing and advertising have to be modified in order to produce results and success. In this section Tad and Adriana share with you their secrets of successful advertising and marketing for the NLP coach and trainer. You can learn from the techniques applied by the big transnational corporations to make your coaching business or your training and seminars company a real success. A must read for everybody in this field.

How easy is it to explain NLP to an untrained person? When you are asked what is NLP what do you say to interest the person you’re talking to? No matter how excited you are about NLP and Time Line Therapy® , or how much you see the benefits in techniques from these fields, you realize that not everybody else shares your excitement and then it becomes difficult to interest them. In this section you have available all the articles ever posted on our Tad James Co. NLP Coaching website, and in them you can see how to use metaphors and stories containing NLP patterns in a simple to understand, everyday colloquial (spoken) English. Stay away from using NLP jargon when you explain NLP to other people or when you want to enroll a person in your coaching practice or training. These articles are very good examples of how to do just that.  Besides some of the articles are very entertaining and fun.

In this section Tad and Adriana James discuss issues we all face in our day-by-day activities from an NLP Meta-Perspective. tad and Adriana share with you what they don’t teach in the NLP Coaching trainings using in their discussions an Meta NLP approach. Topics of interest at the time of filming (health from the NLP and Time Line Therapy® point of view , natural healing and genetically modified organisms, real mind power and how to get in charge of your mind, critical thinking, children’s behavioral problems, archetypal relationship problems especially in the new technological era, exotic technologies. transhumanism, consciousness, mind-manipulation and how to protect yourself, etc.) are all part of these video- conversations. You will discover new tips and secrets of application of NLP techniques and their use in areas you would never think of. YOU will also discover how NLP techniques are used every day in our mass media, newspapers, magazines, PR campaigns. movies, video games, etc. In some of the video-conversations, both Tad James and Adriana James lead you through some not-so-used NLP patterns which you can do right away with them.


  • DOWNLOAD 2 OF OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL SEMINARS FOR FREE Click Here (requires that you have membership AND are logged in to work)


“The Secret of Creating Your Future®” seminar is one of our most popular and successful seminars.  This recording of Tad James and Adriana James conducting the seminar was one of the best we’ve ever done. Tad and Adriana personally as well as our trainers at the Tad James Co. have been teaching it live to thousands of people around the world every year in the last 24 years.  It has been used on tapes and then on CD’s and more recently as a download by literally thousands of people because it is simple, fun, easy to do and it produce long lasting results. It can be used by individuals , but it is also a good seminar in business context for the NLP trainers and presenters. “The Secret of Creating Your Future®” contains NLP techniques presented in an easy to follow way and produces great results in a setting designed for general population as well as for business purposes only (mortgage companies, real estate companies, insurance companies, car dealerships, etc). In fact this seminar has been used again and again under different names by other NLP trainers in the world.


“Using NLP in Business” is another popular seminar. This NLP filled seminar was recorded live and was conducted by Tad James giving the course participants an experience of using NLP techniques in a business context alone. Here you can get accustomed to how to make use of the most advanced technology for management, sales and communication in a business context. Learn how to establish rapport and how to utilize the prospect’s (not yours) decision making strategy to help him to the positive right decisions that would make him (and you) very happy and conclude the business relationship successfully.

NLP at the Meta Level. Every month Tad and Adriana have a FREE 2 hour evening VidChat for the members of NLP Coaching community. Designed to answer all NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching  questions from an NLP Meta Perspective, from the simplest to most advanced as well as all general questions about any subject you may have, the VidChats are open to the NLP beginners, as well as for the advanced student or graduates of NLP or NLP Coaching trainings. Because of the heavy travel and teaching schedule, Tad and Adriana will post the date of the next VidChat one month in advance only. See the date of the next Vid-Chat here We’re looking forward to see you next time in the VidChat.

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