DISCLAIMER: This information is presented for educational purposes only. Nothing presented here should be construed as medical advice and/or as a replacement for allopathic and official medicine. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any condition. If you have a medical condition, seek the advice of a competent health care provider.
Usually, physical reasons addressed for chronic back pain are skeletal irregularities, injuries, problems due to degeneration, job-related factors and the like. But what if there was also something else?
The first to point out the possibility of a relationship between a mental and emotional state (i.e., the mind-body connection) and the experience of a persistent pain and discomfort was the late Dr. John Sarno, a Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at New York University School of Medicine, and attending physician at the Howard A. Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. His findings were derided by his medical peers and his theory didn’t have much influence on medical research during his lifetime.

These are some of the skills from the NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Training which everyone can master. In conjunction with the medical advice and protocols, both NLP and Time Line Therapy® can assist in alleviating the back pain, thus restoring more functionality and relieving pain. Whether the pain is “in our heads” as Dr. Sarno affirmed or not, people who chose to master these skills have found that somehow the pain is far more manageable and can also even disappear. Cheers to the power of the mind.