If you’re a small business owner or an entrepreneur, you’re over-stressed as business is no longer as it was a couple of years ago.
What changed?
People? Circumstances? Family issues? Health issues? Economic environment? Some of the above? All of the above?
The smart business owner’s first advice is that if your phone does not ring with inquiries and orders, you don’t have a “people calling in” problem – you have a “dialing out” problem, and that’s fair. Reaching out to possible clients is always an essential part of business.
But even then, you might say, people don’t want to buy my services. They worry about the poor economy.
You chat with them about what’s keeping them up at night and you find out that it is the level of uncertainty that drives everyone crazy.
So, the business owner or the salesperson begins to be afraid of calling and talking to customers because _____ (insert here the Limiting Beliefs one might come up with which are masked as reasons).

Uncertainly is something we all deal with. Nobody knows exactly and with 100% certainty what’s going to happen tomorrow, next week, or next month. What makes the difference between proceeding with courage or being stuck and afraid?
Would it make a difference if you reach out to prospective or existing clients with a helping hand rather than anxiety to show them how together you can both benefit despite uncertainty?
To do so, you need to have a different mindset, and here is where NLP and Time Line Therapy® can be most useful and helpful.

If you want to be pro-active and learn how to build new relationships, have new customers or repeat business, you must be pro-active and learn how to think differently. This action will lead to a much higher level of certainty and results and with them, financial prosperity.