Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety which is fear of something in the future. It can range from slight nervousness, butterflies, a feeling described as a “knot in the throat”, knees shaking, void in the mind, to more aggravating manifestations as paralyzing fear and panic. Many people with this fear avoid public speaking situations altogether, or they suffer through them with shaking hands and a quavering voice. Young, middle age or older, regardless of gender, background, etc., with NLP and Time Line Therapy®, you can overcome your fear.
Also known as glossophobia, fear of public speaking isn’t a dangerous disease or chronic condition, however it affects as many as four out of ten Americans, according to Healthline.
The theory is easy to understand. You need mental resilience, awareness, and confidence. But these are the exact issues that seem so hard to overpower people now, to the point to many are really incapacitated so eventually they totally give up on the idea. As easy as they are to understand consciously, these emotions and beliefs about self-ability to speak comfortably in front of other people still seem to appear (unconsciously) every single time.

We know that fear of making mistakes (“I can’t make any mistakes,” or “Everyone will think I’m incompetent,”) are common descriptions of the fear of public speaking. The advice is usually to focus on the fact that the audience wants you to succeed. Then remind yourself that your prepared material is great and that you know it well. This is all good, but what to do if these Negative Emotions and Limiting Beliefs about being comfortable in front of groups still seem to appear unconsciously and without volitional control?
Usually, the advice comes in the form of several points: know your material, give special focus to the introduction, script your presentation, rehearse it, practice often, videotape your presentation, work audience questions into your routine, and so on. These are all great pieces of advice, which absolutely hold true and are necessary. But these are not the real problem for a serious and diligent person.
Every family, group of people, or community who jumps from nothing to something meaningful has a leader. Everybody else is a follower. The leader always manages to inspire through powerful talks small and large groups.

The NLP Trainer’s Training, which is a course building up on the assumption that the participants have at least the basic understanding of NLP from the NLP Practitioner Training, and are willing to do the above, is designed for the following:

With the experience of over 40 years at the Tad James Co., the NLP Trainer’s Training is different from other presentation skills trainings. The Tad James Co. has certified in more than 40 years the most capable trainers and presenters around the world and most quality Trainer’s Trainings are modeled after the Tad James Co.’s NLP Trainer’s Training.
This training will give you a structured model to achieve excellence as a presenter by installing the most advanced strategies so you will never again experience fear of public speaking.
The most amazing thing is the transformation and surprise our graduates experience when they find themselves relaxed, commanding the room and doing remarkable presentations.