The old question is when you know something is not good for you, why is it so hard to change that? From something as small as nail biting, pulling hair, chewing the inside of one’s cheeks, to smoking or even more complex behaviors as gambling or obsession with social media, people seem to struggle to change these behaviors.
The usual answer has to do with understanding of what happens (mechanically) in our brains, or how the biology or even genetics, or the role of the pleasure/reward center and dopamine pathways could be the cause for this difficulty to change.
Although there is a lot of merit in every one of those methods, NLP and Time Line Therapy® have a different and yet, very efficient approach. Assuming readiness for change, and willingness to learn new routines, here are some of the ways in which NLP and Time Line Therapy® can help.

Both NLP and Time Line Therapy® technologies involve working with our conscious as well as with the unconscious thus producing long lasting results. Change is difficult only when it is attempted at the conscious level alone. By integrating both conscious and unconscious processes, the change process is not arduous but happens with far less effort. In fact, it can become quite easy.